November 19, 2014

Lake Contains 500 Skulls in India

Uttarakhand - In the world, many destinations are very popular with the mystery. So is the Skeleton Lake in Uttarakhand, India. The lake is famous for the discovery of 500 skulls were so mysterious. In 1942, a forest guard in Uttarakhand, India found it very mysterious Skeleton Lake. The lake is located at an altitude of 16 000 meters above sea level. This small valley has water coming from the Himalayas ice fluid, as seen from the official website of Skeleton Lake, Wednesday (15/01/2013).

When the water is frozen, this lake does look mediocre. But after the ice began to melt, something very strange look. There are many skulls in this lake. The numbers are not for laugh, there are about 500 skulls.

When found, the skull looks messy. There are in the middle, at the bottom, and on the edge of the lake. Many people assume that there have been mass killings here.

Other assumptions subsequently emerged that the skull is the Japanese soldiers who died to infiltrate into Indian territory. Then England commissioned a team to investigating the truth and the origins of the skull. Scientists say the bones, flesh, and hair still attached to the skull skulls indicates that apparently is not the Japanese soldiers who died.

Over the years, many people wonder about the mystery of the skull, including the traveler. But then, the bright spots began to appear in 2004 after scientists came to investigate.

Apparently, 500's skull is there are 2 types. This was evidenced from DNA tests conducted by scientists. The first kind is the human body is quite high. Later they were known to the traveler who wants to make a beeline to India via the Himalayas. The second type is local, visible from his posture that is not too tall.

Strangely, all the skulls were found apparently dead in the same way. There are wounds and blows to the head on their shoulders. The wound is not of weapons, but of something that is round. Then, if they were killed by a group of people?

The answer is no. Apparently, they die because of buried ice ball. Surprisingly, the ball-sized ice balls rolled from the top of the mountain. Traveler and native of Skeleton Lake and then save themselves in this valley. Since there is no barrier, they finally buried alive here. Hiii!

However, the lurid tale did not dampen the traveler to come back. In addition to its mystery, Skeleton Lake is also a favorite place travelers who want to climb the mountain in Uttarakhand. This area is known to have a beautiful view. In some places there is also eternal snow. 

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