November 12, 2014

Nature of Thinking

Thinking as for me is a process to use our mind to do activity carefully with conscious mind. So, for me the most important thing that we have to do before we are doing any activity is thinking, because I believed we cannot do any activity perfectly without Consciously thinking. In the process of thinking the first thing that we will run into is the Sensing process. Sensing process is the process that we receive through intermediaries such us eyes, ears, or other mediums.

After we are experiencing the sensing process, we will go through our memory to recalling or recognizing our previous experience. Memory will also affect our thinking, because memory is the ability of our brain to retaining and reviving facts, events and impression that help us to do a better activity based on previous experienced.

In the real life, before we are doing any activity is highly required to think it first, because even with thinking we can do something wrong that far from the actual fact. For example, there is one time that in the past that teach me about wrong perception can be happen any time even we went to the process of thinking at first. This is happened when I worked in real estate Company, there is a young man like around 25-27 years old come to my office that asking for the availability and the detail of the house that we offer. Not long after that there is a middle-aged man come and sit in the waiting room, so I just explain to the first man about the house that we offered harshly because I think that this man probability to buy a house is very small compare to the middle-aged man who’s waiting in the waiting room. After two days doing my routine, there’s a phone call from the young man says that he has decided to buy the biggest type of house that available in our company. This is event make me realize that is not good to judge people just by his cover because the middle-aged man from that day that I expect to buy a house has never call to our company. So, based on experienced I conclude that perception is the understanding of our mind to certain activity that sometimes makes us take a wrong decision. The wrong perception still can occur even we already went to the process of thinking, because perception is just our mind comprehension based on our opinion or experience which is not necessarily based on fact. So, perception could be either wrong or right but it is also the part of the process of thinking before we know the actual fact we will experience the perception as one process of thinking.

Barriers of thinking is our mind perception of something bad will happen if we take a specific action that will influence our view of certain event. For example, my personal barriers that I cannot prevent to happen, because there is a lot of personal barrier that involved in this case. This is about my personal life, about my dream and my choice of life. My dream of life is the life that I can live from doing my hobby, but it’s just a life that will take a lot of sacrifice if I choose it. There are two choices in my life, the first is case my dream as a musician who is some people says that is not a real job and my second choice is to continue family business. There are many barriers that actually happen in my mind such us, the fact that I’m the first children that have to take care of my two sisters, the fact that there’s many life that depended on my family company and the fact that just few of musician have a good life at least as good as my life now.

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