November 08, 2014

The Inventor of ATM Machine

Luther Simjian Biography 1905 - 1997 

Luther George Simjian was born in Turkey on January 28, 1905, and died on October 23, 1997 at the age of 92 years.
Young Simjian emigrated to the United States at age 15, because separated from her family during World War I. After meeting with relatives in Connecticut, he began working as an independent study with a photographer in accordance with their interest.

In the beginning, Simjian studied at Yale University to take the field of Medicine. However, his interest changed when The University provides Laboratory jobs in Pictures. In 1928, he has held a position as Director in the Department of Photography at the University.

In 1934 Simjian moved to New York, where he developed a color X-ray machines and self-posing portrait camera, which allows the subject to look into the mirror and see the exact image that will be captured. Denagn Armed with this discovery, Simjian set up a camera manufacturing company and sells licenses to use the camera on a mini studio that is placed in a department store with a name that was later replaced with Photoreflex Reflectone name. The company is then continued to the development of optical, mechanical and electrical devices.

When Simjian offer ideas to the bank's customers finacial transaction without meeting teller, he doubted many people. Relentless, in 1939, Simjian registered 20 patents related to the new findings, and to offer its findings to a large company which is now known as Citicorp. It was not until 6 months later, the Citicorp responds Simjian bid.

"Apparently, the person who will be using this machine is only a small number of prostitutes and gamblers were embarrassed and did not want to meet face to tellers" wrote Simjian.

Oops, it turns out today on every street corner, we can easily find the machine. What are the doubts many people at that time is not proven. ATM has become an integral necessity for most people who live in urban areas.

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