A vacation or holiday is a specific trip or journey,
usually for the purpose of recreation or tourism. People often take a vacation
during specific holiday observances, or for specific festivals or celebrations.
Vacations are often spent with friends or family. A person may take a longer break from work, such as
a sabbatical, gap year, or career break. The concept of taking a vacation is a recent
invention, and has developed through the last two centuries.
10. Hill of Crosses, Lithuania
Hill of Crosses in Kryzių Kalnas, located 12 km industrial city of
Siauliai (read; shoo-lay) is a pilgrimage center in Lithuania, the complex
stands on a small hill, which is filled with statues of the Christian cross, it
is not known when this complex establishment, started of wars that troops
killed this hill Lithuania finally made a pilgrimage destination, often in
funeral plans For smooth, but never made it, eventually even cross it even
increased, in addition to creepy, but having artistic value that elevate
9. St Louis Cemetery, USA
For the next goal that Catholic Cemetery in New Orleans, Louisiana is a
complex he is the world's oldest cemetery, the cemetery is a dome-shaped,
mostly built in the 18th century. But be careful if traveled alone here because
acts of crime is very high, if mo visit here should be grouped with and perhaps as a record the following list anyone who is buried here 'Marie Laveau' Voodoo priest, 'Bernard de Marigny' carrier dice games to
the USA, 'Barthelemy Lafon' a pirate, 'Paul Morphy' one of the world's first
chess world champion and "Delphine LaLaurie", the murderous socialite
also buried herein.
8. Leap Castle Oubliette, Ireland
Is a castle in County offaly, Ireland, about four miles north of the town
of Roscrea, Landscape which was built in 1250 was in 1659 fell to the Darby
Family ownership, family nasty headliner there, a lot of people were imprisoned
and executed in the castle. Still sphere, the fort has been found a 'oubliette'
which is a dungeon where people are locked up and tortured. When the workers
who were renovating the castle they found the bones in the dungeon, and also
found a clock that was produced in the 1840s and they often see tiny creature
sightings of humpback green along with the smell of dead bodies and the smell
of sulfur.
7. Château de Machecoul, France
It is home to Gilles de Rais (1404 - 1440), a Breton knight, the
companion of Joan of Arc Marshal of France. But his name is known as a serial
killer of children in 1434-35. Most of the killing was done in the house before
they were killed, raped first and then mutilated. Finally, on the date October 26, 1440 he was sentenced to death by
hanging with. Success story inspired 'Bluebard' a classic film in France there.
6. Poenari Castle, Romania
Romania in the world of awesomeness, you will just think of the name
"Vlad Dracula" Bran Castle with her, but make no
mistake that in Romania alone Poenari Castle over the famous haunted house
Dracula itself, except that it is located adjacent to but also, the
(supposedly) this is where every midnight the vampire was hanging out. To get
to the castle is the tourists have climbed the 1500 stairs
The town is 130 km from Makassar, have a very wonderful landscape of
granite rocks, green mountain fields and cemetery complex that can make the
hair shudder, but it is more exciting if we can travel here to coincide with
the funeral banality called 'Rambu tuka 'in Tana Toraja dead, but not buried in
place in tongkonan (traditional house) in the event they will also be held
cutting buffalo. Besides that we also can visit the various types of funerals
here as in 'Kambira' dead baby in a tree, 'Stone tumonga' bodies made in stone and attach to the cave
4. Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, Italy
Catacombs is a way of burial of
the nation that put lives into Italy as the abbey church, pastor, and his
descendants. Catacombs first performed pd yr 1599. Catacombs is dehydrated into
ceramic bodies that formed such that the original human form, some of the
bodies embalmed and vinegar and a few bodies who are not only covered by glass.
Catacombs officially closed in 1880, but because of the tourists continue to
visit, then on th 1920, these catacombs were officially reopened until now.
3. Poveglia of Venice, Italy
It is an island filled with history almost entirely by death. This island
was first discovered only to people with leprosy disease, but in 1922 this
island was built a mental hospital much awesomeness going on like a madmans who
jump from hospital tower, the last recorded 160,000 people who died this small
island. If you want to travel to this island, it is suggested should be used
with guards near the garden island.
2. Aokigahara, Japan
Is a forest that lies at the foot of the mountain fuji, besides the
beauty of its forests and the cave that is covered with ice, Aokigahara is also
listed as the most popular suicide site second only to San Francisco's Golden
Gate ..
The ossuary is a gathering place for all international human skeletons in
Europe, based in France. Realize your imagination a vacation tour who is one of
the most popular activities during the holiday season. But why holidays are
usually only aimed to places who beautiful, luxurious, fun, and others. Today
we invite you to visit the most hideous sight in the world, this place was in
the country of France. This place is more famous as the European Ossuaries. The
ossuary is the site where the gathering of all human kerangka2 in Europe, based
in France.
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