November 07, 2012

Crop Circle Mystery

In the UK, Canada, USA, Australia and Japan, many found the crop circle phenomenon. This phenomenon usually appears in summer when farm fields overgrown with plants. And the uniqueness of this phenomenon is the formation of strange circles or geometric shapes on the farm. The geometry is sometimes in the form of circles or can also form a unique series of images, which show that the author is an intelligent creature. But, this is not a crop circle made ​​by humans based on the evidence that has been investigated by scientists.

Crop circles are often found in southern England. Many crop circles linking this with spiritual activities as a series of forms geomtri formed in the farm fields (the images formed by plants that fall / collapse). According to available information, the emergence of crop circle phenomenon is often accompanied by sightings ufo-shaped ball of light. A video that managed to record the occurrence of a crop circle (oliver's castle in 1996, see photo above) indicates that a crop circle formed in just about 20 seconds. Though the amount of tens of meters.

This phenomenon is even thought to have emerged from hundreds of years ago. A carved wood sculptures from the 17th century called "Mowing Devil" shows a creature was believed the devil, making mischief in the form of a circle on the farm.

Many UFO researchers who ignore the crop circle phenomenon, when in fact it may be one of the proofs of the existence of intelligent beings other than humans.

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