November 12, 2012

3 Ways to Organize Dreams (Lucid Dream)

3 Ways to Organize Dreams (Lucid Dream) - Could someone set up a dream? is there a certain way to set up the dream? Answer: You can set your own dreams. Here's 3 Ways to Organize Dreams (Lucid Dream) that often people do before bed. We can program your own or determine the content of the dream, we dream in the waking state. These dreams better known as “Lucid Dreaming" or "Dream Sunny".

Tibetan people have since ancient Yoga practice Lucid Dreams in their dreams. In 1867, the Marquis d'Hervey de Saint-Denys has published his book, "Dreams and how to Guide them" method of how we can do lucid dream.

With lucid dream may change nightmare become a wonderful dream, anything can happen in a dream, and the dream there is no limit of space, time and ability.

Lucid dreams can be used to learn, solve our problems or issues. This is mostly done by scientists and artists. Lucid dreams can also be used for therapy.

The steps to be able to get lucid dreams so that we can program or determine the course of a dream:

The first stage:
Learning to remember and record a diary of dream content. If getting out of bed try to stay in bed a few minutes longer, and remember what the dream. Then recorded in the diary of your dreams.

The second stage:
Before bed try to remember what things you want to do in your dreams. Eg want to meet someone, and then you should recall bedtime wonderful times with him or anything else.

The third stage:
Using the method Wake-Back-To-Bed (WBTB) or waking moment and soon went to bed again. Attach an alarm clock so you can wake up three hours early.
When you wake up immediately try to recall the things in the second phase. After that try to sleep again

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